Thursday, December 15, 2011

IC 410

Tonight I'm trying to image IC 410, a large emission nebula in Auriga. With no western stars unblocked by the trees, I was unable to get a good alignment. I therefore skipped the polar alignment and moved right to getting light frames using shorter two minute exposures to minimize drift. I also decided to do 2x2 on-camera binning because the nebulosity is so dim. IC 410 is almost round, so composition was easy. Go-To took me to the star field I had noted would be useful for composition, and sure enough the first frame had the target in it just fine. Right now (2300 CST) I've got 40 light frames. I've got the camera running at -35°C for the first time, so I'll need to shoot some dark frames.

I'm only doing H-alpha tonight, and will post a link to the image if it turns out OK.

Now 0200 CST on 12/16/11, and done. 90x2min lights, 30x2 minutes darks, 30x0.04 bias frames. 2x2 binned on camera.

Here's the result; click on the image to see it at 48% of its original size:

Fat stars, but it catches the structure around the central nebulosity. Portions of IC 417 and 405 are in the upper left and right corners, respectively. If it's clear tomorrow night (12/17) I'll shoot some OIII frames and make a color composite.

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